Advanced Content Management System
This background is for site administrators and site designers.
Overview: The content area of a site is divided into sections. Each section has its own Table of Contents. Within a section the tag |.TOC.| will display a list (e.g., Table of Contents) of all non-hidden top level pages (i.e, those whose secondary display priority is set to '1'. The secondary pages underneath a top level page will be displayed when the top level page or one of the pages under it is selected.
In sites with multiple authors, sections can be assigned a certain Divisions. Only the administrative division and the division to which the section is assigned can work with pages in a section. Page authors can use the contents of the top section of any page by using |.pContent:##.| where '##' is the PID (page ID number of the source page). This means that an administrator can create a form and then any editor can use it.
Occasionally you may want a to combine two or more sections (divided for editing responsibilities) into one visible section. This requires a template which calls out the table of contents for each division explicitly. To display a similar list of pages for another section use the tag: |.TOC:sectionName.| Use the |.topOfSec.| tag to configure the 1st entry of each section.
A list of pages whose page contents are designed to be exported (e.g, forms) is displayed by clicking on the Special Pages link on the Manage Content page. This allows authors in one section to provide current information onto another page without needing to either update that page. It allows information to be updated in several locations at the same time. Note: in sites with versions, the 'active' version source page is used, so update of the included page must be published. The page using the information need not be changed, the updates will appear automatically when the included page is published.