Indivitual Visitors who are assigned to Access Groups
This background is for site administrators.
Overview: It is possible to restrict access to any content page. This is done by creating first Access Groups and then Assigning Visitors to one or more groups
- The Site 'Admin' user first creates Access groups.
- Once a group is created, page authors can restrict access to a single group. of visitors.
- The 'Admin' user can then assign visitors to one or more Access groups and give them passwords using the 'Members' function in the administrative interface. If the site is so configured, the 'Admin' user can also specify the email address associated with that visitor.
- When a visitor first attempts to view a restricted page a special page is displayed asking for their user name and password.
- The page designer can create a custom page to display this request. The actual request goes into the |.content.| section of the template, signin.tp1. If template, signin.tp1 is not provided then a system generated default is used. The custom page also needs |.Error.| so that problems will be reported.
- Once a visitor has signed in a cookie is set on their system and they are allowed to view any page restricted to any of their groups.
- If the visitor cannot remember their password and the site is configured to support Member email addresses, then there is a link to a pop-up page where the visitor can enter their Log In Name and if an email address is provided for that name, the password is sent to that email address.
- Templates which display the restricted pages need to include the |.LogOut.| or |.LogOut:#.| tags to allow the visitor to reliably exist the restricted area without a subsequent user of the computer being able to access the restricted pages. As always, existing all windows of a browser is also need to ensure that the restricted pages will not be re-displayed.
- Please see here for information on how to provide different content to authorized and non-authorized visitors.
- If you are Authorized to send mass mailings then you can Pre-load the Email addresses and Names of any of the Authorized Groups in the mass mailer.